Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Important Situations to Remember When Writing

Writing is more than just putting words onto a piece of paper. It requires thought and a lot of inventing ideas in one's head. There are many aspects to consider. Any piece of writing has a purpose. There will always be something that strikes the reader, even if it's not very strong. Taking into account who will be reading one's writing is also a major factor. It probably won't be a good idea to write a horror story for little kids. There are so many different genres to choose from when writing. For me, it's all about tone when choosing a genre. I try to pick one that will get my point across in a positive, but straight-forward way. It's good to know who the audience is, that way, one will have a good idea on how to present her ideas or thoughts. Every once in awhile I like to get a little creative and add photos to my piece of writing. It seems to bring a little something extra to the table.

Narratives are, in my opinion, the most unique and intriguing genre of writing. Stories, whether they be true or fictional, always seem to catch my attention, especially those that keep me waiting for an answer. Vivid detail, which is one of the key features to literacy narratives, is my favorite part. I love being able to create images in my head based on the author's words. Writing a narrative is a systematic process. You must choose a topic, consider the rhetorical, create ideas, outline what you're going to write, write a rough draft, consider the design or layout, revise, edit, and proofread, then write the final draft.

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