Thursday, December 3, 2009

2001: A Space Odyssey Review

Megan Cole
2001: A Space Odyssey
The film starts out by showing various scenes of deserts with a caption reading “The Dawn of Man.” The movie goes on by showing how apes live. One morning the apes wake up to find a rectangular black monolith right in front of their shelter. The apes were confused at first, but later one of the apes learned how to use bones as weapons and tools. The next scene shows them eating meat and taking over a watering hole from another ape tribe.
The next segment of the film is about Dr. Heywood R. Floyd flying out to a space station. He is there to study another monolith that has been discovered on the moon. Floyd and a few others from the moon base ride out to the site. Once there, they walk around the monolith, observing it. The group gathers for a picture with the strange artifact but it starts to emit a high-pitched tone. The last scene is the sun rising over the monolith, then, the screen goes black.
The next scene is of a spaceship with the caption “Jupiter Mission: Eighteen Months Later.” Aboard are two pilots and three scientists. The scientists are closed away in hibernation. The ships operations are controlled by artificial intelligence called HAL 9000. It is stated many times in the film that the HAL 9000 series are completely error free, and that any failed computer is due to human error. HAL talks to one of the pilots, Dave, about the mission they are embarking on. During their talk, Hal states that the unit controlling the communication to earth will fail within 72 hours.
The other pilot, Frank, goes out and replaces the unit. Meanwhile, Frank, nor Dave, can figure out what is wrong with the old unit. They talk with Earth-based ground control and suggest that Hal has made a mistake. Frank and Dave are once again informed that the HAL 9000 computers have a perfect operational record, and it is just a small glitch that can be fixed. The Hal computer aboard the ship says that they should put the unit back and let it fail. Before replacing the units, Dave and Frank go into a pod and talk about disconnecting Hal. What they don’t know is that Hal is reading their lips through the window of the pod.
Hal begins to turn on the crew of the Jupiter mission. He snips Frank’s oxygen cord while he is trying to replace the units, and he terminates the hibernating scientists. In the meantime, Dave goes out to retrieve Frank, but Hal will not let him back inside the ship. Dave makes his way in through the emergency air lock and begins to disconnect Hal.
The next part of the film, Dave leaves in a pod and encounters a monolith around Jupiter. He begins to speed through a tunnel of light and finds himself in a bedroom. He sees himself getting older until he is lying on the bed with the monolith at his feet. He is then transformed into a fetus floating next to earth.
My first reaction to the movie was I did not like it at all. I am used to faster paced movies with more action and dialogue. This movie was extremely slow and I did not think there was much conversation as a movie nowadays. It was also hard for me to understand what was going on. After the first time watching it, I just stared at the screen with a puzzled look because I was so confused. I had to search for reviews and summaries of the film to grasp an understanding.
Even though it was not my favorite, I was quite impressed with the special effects and intelligence behind the film. The spacecrafts and the HAL 9000, was very unique and futuristic. I found it a bit disturbing when the computer started killing its passengers. A machine with that much intelligence can obviously be dangerous. I also did not like the beginning of the movie. Simply because I do not believe in evolution, I actually strongly disagree with it. The last few scenes were also a bit out there for my taste. I did not understand that Bowman was the man in the house, and that it was him that was shown getting older and eventually turning into a fetus. I still do not understand the significance of that transformation or the point that was trying to be made.


  1. Maybe have a little less about the movie and talk more in depth about certain parts such as symbolism or the life of HAL. Also, have your ending flow a little better. It seems a little abrupt. End it with something other than your opinion. Other than that, great paper!

  2. I think it you need to spread things out a little so it doesnt sound so much like just re-telling the story(i did the same thing)
    I feel ya when you said the thin about when the machine killed the passengers. I alreayd hate space! and machines! haha that stuff creeps me out
    - I think your last paragraph should flow a little better to a conclusion of your essay. Other than that, Great Job As Always :)

  3. Use present tense to discus a film. You need an introduction--there isn't one here. The introduction should include the title, director, maybe the key actors, year released, type of film, how it was received, what your overall or initial reaction is.

    Your summary of the film is much too long and includes little of your opinion. Also, you jump from apes to Dr. Floyd with no explanation of the jump in time. Summarize the plot briefly and then evaluate the film based on your criteria. What are those? Make them obvious in the way you critique the film, and back up your arguments with evidence from the film.

    Also, evolution is a separate issue from the narrative of the film. This is a science-fiction film, not a documentary or religious propaganda piece. Is it necessary to believe in evolution to appreciate the story? Is it necessary to believe in Middle Earth to appreciate Lord of the Rings? Is it necessary to believe in cartoon talking animals to enjoy The Lion King?

    Need to end with your overall opinion of the film, and be specific. For example, you say you were confused, but you don't indicate whether your confusion causes you to dislike the film or make you more determined to understand it.

  4. Pretty good job on your paper Megan. However, there are some things that could definitely be worked on. First, I think that your intro is a little abrupt. You should start more broad and narrow down. You jump straight into it too much. Also, you give a very long summary of the movie and it really loses the attention of the reader. It should be summed down even more to give you more room to discuss your own opinion of the movie. Speaking of your opinion, I think you need to space it out more throughout your paper. You jumble your opinion into the last two paragraphs of the paper and it is kinda overwhelming. Also, your last paragraph is a little choppy and rough. Smooth is out and switch it up a little. That it all. Good job on your first draft! :)
